Monday, May 20, 2013

Let the countdown begin!

I woke up today with the sound of a clock ticking in my head. Not the crazy person kind, but more the Alice in wonderland sort of insensate tick tock-ing. Which now that I try to describe it sounds a lot like crazy...
This crazy tick tock brought with it the realization that my "go date" for Singapore is quickly approaching. Yup, we are almost at the 2 month mark people! So surreal right!?! I am  planning, praying and believing God will have me in Singapore by the last week of July. It's an ambitious goal considering I haven't got all my support in yet, but I know in my heart God will provide.  "I am confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"" Phil 1:6
I know God has amazing plans for these last couple of months I have here and I look forward to seeing what he will do in and through me.  
The list of things that need to be done before July seems to be growing larger everyday, so pray that I will have focus and motivation to do what is required. Next week, I will be sending out my very first newsletter to all my ministry partners and friends. Just the act of sitting down and penning what will be my primary method of communication when am in Singapore make everything feel all the more real:) 
So unlike Alice who was constantly late for tea (oh ya have to use a tea analogy) I feel for the first time in a long time that I am finally on track with Gods divine timing. 
I love you for reading.