Know My Story

Grab a cuppa, its story time...


"Where are you from?" I get asked that a lot... that's sort of an understatement, I literally get asked that everyday. At the grocery store, at the gym, on the phone with telemarketers, or pretty much anywhere I have to say my last name... its pronounced MOO-AH-YA by the way:) Over time, answering this question has become second nature to me, "Am form Chicago, but originally from Zambia...its in Africa". I feel like with this easy phrase, am able to explain away so much. Its nice:)

But lately I've been thinking that sometimes the real story of who I am gets lost in translation as it were. I mean am I really from Chicago?... I think my inability to pronounce SOX speaks for itself. And, what brought me to the US? What was growing up in Zambia like? And most recently, why on earth am I moving to Singapore? Unfortunately I don't have any quick answers for these questions. However, what I do have are stories, no they are not quick, and certainly not always easy to tell, but if you can stick around, I'd love to try.

As a kid I loved when my dad would ask me to have tea with him. It was like being on a date. We would munch on cake, which he taught me to bake (I know, cool dude right!) and then like clock work, on his second cup, we would chat. Sometimes it would be about the day, homework, TV and other normal things. But on the very best times, he would tell me stories, "Tushimi" as we call them. I treasure every single one of these moments so much.

As I contemplate sharing life with you through stories, I cant help but imagine you and I sitting down in a beautiful garden somewhere on a warm spring day, birds singing, at a table filled with yummy treats and of course I would pour you a cuppa. Then the story would begin:)

I cant wait to share the journey of life with you, so check back here from time to time and I will try my best to answer your questions. So blessed to be a character in the grand story of humanity God is writing. Love you for reading XOXO